London Stock Exchange
Investor's Monthly Manual - Stocks Data
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Issue Variables
Issue PriceLast Loan Issue PriceOriginal Issue
Redeem Variables
Earliest and Final Years when Loans can be Redeemed
Sinking Fund Variables
Price Variables
Last Loan Issue PricePrices of the Month OpeningPrices of the Month HighestPrices of the Month LowestPrices of the Month LatestLast business donePrices of the Month Last Day
List Variables
List of Prices June 30List of Prices July 30List of Prices Official Min
List of Prices Latest Nom
Dividend Variables
Dividends PayableDividends Where Payable
Dividends Payable FrequencyDividends Last Paid
Dividends Next DueDividends Where and How Paid or Payable
Dividends Date of Drawings
Yield Variables
Yield Investor at Latest Price poundYield Investor at Latest Price shillingYield Investor at Latest Price pence
Prices of the Year Variables
Year Prices HighestYear Prices Lowest
Amount Subscribed or OutstandingAmount of Loan UnredeemedPresent Amount Quoted in LondonParPaid
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