London Stock Exchange
Investor's Monthly Manual - Banks Data
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Capital Variables
Capital Number of SharesCapital Number of Shares or Amount of StockCapital Number of Shares or Amount of Stock QuotedCapital Amount of ShareCapital Share or StockCapital ParCapital Paid
Price Variables
Prices of the Month OpenPrices of the Month HighestPrices of the Month LowestPrices of the Month LatestLast business donePrices of the Month Last Day
List Variables
List of Prices June 30List of Prices July 30List of Prices Official Min
List of Prices Latest Nom
Dividend Variables
Dividends Last Four p/s/d 1Dividends Last Four p/s/d 2
Dividends Last Four p/s/d 3Dividends Last Four p/s/d 4
Dividends Last Four Pence 1Dividends Last Four Pence 2
Dividends Last Four Pence 3Dividends Last Four Pence 4
Dividends Last four Rate Percent per Annum 1Dividends Last four Rate Percent per Annum 2
Dividends Last four Rate Percent per Annum 3Dividends Last four Rate Percent per Annum 4
Dividends Last Four Date Month and Year 1Dividends Last Four Date Month and Year 2
Dividends Last Four Date Month and Year 3Dividends Last Four Date Month and Year 4
Dividends Last Four FrequencyDividends Payable
Banks Dividends Reserve and Balance after Last Dividend
Yield Variables
Yield Investor at Latest Price poundYield Investor at Latest Price shillingYield Investor at Latest Price pence
Prices of the Year Variables
Year Prices HighestYear Prices Lowest
Insurance company Variables
Insurance Companies Last Bonus Per Share AmountInsurance Companies Last Bonus Per Share RateInsurance Companies Last Bonus Per Share Year